MR Musical Performances vs Physical Musical Performances

August 25, 2021

MR Musical Performances vs Physical Musical Performances

As technology advances, entertainment industries, like music, try to use it to their advantage. This is the case for Mixed Reality (MR). However, comparing the experience of an MR musical performance to a physical musical performance is still questionable. This blog post aims to compare both types of performances regarding audience engagement, sound quality, and production value.

Audience Engagement

The main difference between MR musical performances and physical musical performances is audience engagement. Physical performances can create an intimate connection between the artist and the audience. In contrast, MR musical performances are not entirely similar, as it is more immersive rather than interpersonal.

During an MR musical performance, the audience wears headsets or uses devices to view the performance in front of them digitally. So, the audience may feel less connected to the artist and the performance. However, the flexibility and freedom of movement provided by MR technology allow audiences to explore the musical experience on their terms, as opposed to being confined to their assigned seat.

On the other hand, physical musical performances allow audiences to hear, see, and feel the artist's music and presence without the need for technology. The artist can interact and engage with the audience, providing an organic and intimate experience.

Sound Quality

Sound quality is an essential aspect of a musical performance. Audiences expect distinct and high-quality sound production. Unfortunately, MR musical performances tend to have lower sound quality due to technological limitations.

Physical musical performances overcome this issue as the sound system can be customized for the venue and the audience. The artists can adjust their music performance according to the venue's provided sound quality.

Production Value

The production value of a performance refers to the overall quality of the performance. It includes lighting, graphics, and special effects.

MR musical performances can have varied production values depending on the technology used. High-end MR technology can offer a mesmerizing visual and sound experience with immersive effects like no other.

Physical musical performances also provide comprehensive and high-quality production values, with a combination of lighting, pyrotechnics, and other practical effects.


Determining which type of performance is better depends on personal preferences.

Physical musical performances offer a unique connection between the artist and the audience. However, MR musical performances provide a more immersive experience and a creative modern-day twist.

It will be interesting to see how the entertainment industry integrates MR technology into musical performances in the future.


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